Gabriela K. Popescu
Gabriela K Popescu, PhD
Gabriela K. Popescu, Professor and Scientist
Research Program Dr. Popescu directs a scientific research program focused on mechanisms for fast synaptic transmission in the central nervous system, with particular emphasis on the molecular physiology of NMDA receptors. She discovered and characterized a new type of gating for NMDA receptors (modal gating). This discovery helped her to develop direct quantitative correlations between microscopic and macroscopic channel behaviors and to ascertain a new form of short-term frequency-dependent facilitation for this channel. Research in the Popescu Laboratory has been funded repeatedly by the NIH and the AHA.
Current Projects aim to: 1) match conformational dynamics of NMDA receptors with the kinetics of receptor generated signals and with the function or dysfunction of excitatory synapses in brain and spinal cord; 2) to understand the mechanisms controlling the amount of calcium ions in the fluxed ionic current; and 3) how mechanical stimuli can initiate NMDA receptor currents.
Short Bio Dr. Popescu is a native of Bucharest, Romania. She earned BS/MS degrees in Chemistry and Biology from the University of Bucharest, and a PhD degree in Biochemistry from the University at Buffalo, SUNY. After obtaining postdoctoral training in neurobiology and ion channel biophysics, she established an independent research laboratory, The PopStarLab, with funding from the University at Buffalo (UB), the American Heart Association (AHA), and the National Institutes of Health (NINDS). Dr. Popescu is presently a tenured full Professor in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, with a primary appointment in Biochemistry, and secondary appointments in Physiology and Biophysics, and in Anesthesiology. In this capacity she develops and directs research projects, serves her institution and profession, and educates undergraduate and professional students.
National Leadership Presently, Dr. Popescu serves as a regular member on a NIH grant review panel (IRG, MDCN/NTRC) and an Associate Editor for the Journal of Neuroscience. Within the Biophysical Society, she served a 3-year term as an elected Councilor in the Society’s governing body, and she presently chairs the Committee on Professional Opportunities for Women (CPOW). Within the AAMC, Dr. Popescu is presently Chair-Elect of the Council of Faculty and Academic Societies (CFAS), and a member of the AAMC Board of Directors.